It’s Open Enrollment for the CCPS Wellness Program here at Results Health & Fitness Club!
DON’T WAIT! This offer ends soon!
Make sure to spread the word to all CCPS employees you know who can take advantage of this wellness program!
Each CCPS employee and family membership will include:
Unlimited access to our gym floor, locker rooms, showers, & saunas.
Unlimited group exercise & cycle classes per month
five (5) uses per month of our family network gyms, and
four (4) free guest passes per month.
Did you know eligible employees can receive a $300 stipend for their individual gym membership through CCPS Wellness Program?
Are you ready to submit your payroll deduction form? You may send it directly to Shammer97@gmail.com or come into the club for more information!
Have you already stopped in the gym and given us your payroll deduction form? If you have the promo code and this is your first time signing up for the CCPS Wellness Program, you can sign up online! Just click the button below and enter the code to complete your sign up!